The Spontaneous Art of Esra Bürçün: Moments in Emotion

Esra Bürçün, a passionate photographer hailing from Bingöl in eastern Turkey, finds inspiration in the profound sense of freedom that photography brings. Since she started capturing images in 2014, her work has been a reflection of her emotions and experiences, creating a unique and personal journey through her lens.
“What inspires me when taking photos is that feeling of freedom that my soul and emotions integrate, abstracting me from the world,”
She presses the shutter when a scene connects deeply with her current emotional state. This approach allows her to create images that are not just visually captivating but also emotionally rich. Unlike many photographers who aim to convey specific messages or stories, Esra’s work is more spontaneous and varied. “I don’t take photos with the intent to convey a specific message or story,”.
“Focusing on a particular subject feels limiting to me, so the photos I take can be of different styles and topics.”
This versatility is a hallmark of Esra’s photography, making each of her images a unique and unrepeatable moment captured in time. Storytelling, however, plays a significant role in her photographic practice. She believes that prioritizing storytelling enhances observation skills, allowing her to anticipate the kind of photo she’ll capture based on the faces and settings around her.
“The photo starts to call to you,”
For Esra, photography is a deeply personal journey. “Taking photos feels like a journey I embark on alone,”. Each photograph she takes is imbued with her own emotions at the time whether it’s joy, loneliness, or sadness. When she looks back at her photos, she can vividly recall her state of mind at that moment, making her portfolio rich from her emotional experiences.
Living in Bingöl has influenced Esra’s work, but her passion for photography takes her far beyond her hometown. She frequently travels between cities and abroad, capturing the diverse cultures and people she encounters. This exposure to different environments and experiences further enriches her photographic perspective, adding depth and variety to her body of work.
One of her aspirations in photography is to achieve a level of recognition and uniqueness akin to that of a famous painter. “Just as a famous painter can become recognized and unique with the colors, brush strokes, or subjects used on the canvas, I also want to create my own uniqueness in the photos I take,” she says. This goal drives her to continually refine her craft and seek out new ways to express her vision through photography.    
Esra Bürçün’s work stands out for its emotional depth and spontaneity. Each image she captures is an evidence to her ability to find beauty and significance in the moment, regardless of the subject or setting. Through her lens, she invites viewers to experience the world as she sees it – rich with emotion, diversity, and the profound sense of freedom that photography brings to her life.    
As she continues her photographic journey, she remains committed to exploring new horizons and pushing the boundaries of her creativity. Her work not only captures the essence of her experiences but also inspires others to see the world through a lens of curiosity and emotional resonance. With each click of the shutter, Esra continues to weave her unique narrative, one photograph at a time.  

Artist – Esra Bürçün

Location – Turkey

Category – People

The pictures and perspectives expressed above are those of the author(s) alone and do not represent the views of Rare Storyteller or its team.